Community Health Representative
Call: +1 (250) 679 3295 ext 234
Neskonlith’s CHR runs the Diabetes programming. This initiative provides ongoing education to increase awareness, increase knowledge of risk factors, ways to prevent diabetes, and provide access to health promotion initiatives targeted at diabetes prevention such as screening and management.
- Increase awareness of diabetes, diabetes risk factors and complications as well as ways to prevent diabetes and diabetes complications in Neskonlith Community.
- Support activities targeting healthy eating and food security.
- Increase physical activity as a healthy living practice.
- Increase the early detection and screening for complications of diabetes in Neskonlith Community.
- Increase our member’s capacity to prevent and self-manage diabetes. Assist and recommend health providers to support members towards effective diabetes care.
Should you need the Diabetes Program we encourage making an appointment, you may call or email the Community Health Representative to arrange an appointment that fits your schedule.