Wellness Director
Email: wellnessdirector@neskonlith.net
Call: +1 (250) 679 3295 ext 230
Neskonlith provides assistance to our Members when a family experiences the loss of a loved one. Neskonlith has implemented a Funeral Donation Policy to assist our community in these most difficult times.
The Next of Kin of deceased will be required to appoint a Designated Representative or Family Spokesperson to deal with all funeral services. The Next of Kin and/or Designated Representative/Spokesperson first step is to gather all information needed and meet with NIB’s Social Development Intake worker.
Available assistance
Travel Costs for the immediate surviving family of the deceased Neskonlith Member by providing a financial subsidy up to a maximum payout of $500.
Wake Food Costs Financial assistant for the use of supplementing food costs for the wake, up to a maximum of $500
Funeral Food Costs Financial assistant for the use of supplementing food costs for the funeral, up to a maximum of $500
Non-Member Donation: Financial assistant for any community member residing in Neskonlith community and is not a Neskonlith Band Member we provide a financial subsidy up to a maximum of $500.
All Funeral Donations will be released to Appointed Family Representative or Spokesperson
PDF: Funeral Checklist
PDF: Neskonlith Funeral Donation Request
Should you need assistant with Funeral Services we encourage the Next of Kin or Family Representative to make an appointment, you may call or email the Communications Coordinator to arrange an appointment that fits your schedule.
Band Social Development Worker
Email: BSDW@neskonlith.net
Call: +1 (250) 679 3295 ext 215
NIB’s Band Social Development Worker is the only person qualified to submit an SA 108 form to INAC. The process is to bring below information to our Band Social Development Worker to fill out an SA 108 form. These documents are used to verify if deceased is eligible for INAC funding. INAC has a very specific funeral donation policy. Neskonlith must follow INAC’s guidelines in order to get the following donations reimbursed from INAC.
Required Information of deceased:
- Full Legal Name of deceased
- Birth Certificate of deceased
- Primary Address of deceased
- Name of Next of Kin
- Next of Kin’s final decision regarding funeral arrangements and services
- Statement of cost of funeral costs
- Most recent Bank Statement of Deceased
This information is needed to fill out SA 108 Form
Should you need assistant with the SA 108 Form we encourage the Next of Kin or Family Representative to make an appointment, you may call or email the Band Social Development Worker to arrange an appointment that fits your schedule.