Community Health Representative
Call: +1 (250) 679 3295 ext 234
The Children’s Oral Health Initiative (COHI) is an early childhood tooth decay prevention program for children aged 0-7. Services are also available for the children’s parents and caregivers, and pregnant women. A dental therapist or dental hygienist will be scheduled and our COHI aide to deliver this program is our Community Health Representative.
COHI services may include:
- Annual screening
- Fluoride varnish applications
- Sealants and temporary fillings
The Community Health Representative supports the dental professional and may be able to provide some COHI services independently. The services provided by COHI aides include: obtaining authorization from families to enroll children in COHI; giving one-on-one oral health education to children and adults; and doing community health promotion.
COHI supports and encourages families to make oral health and oral care a regular part of family life, and to make healthy choices in caring for their young children. Families receive excellent resources from our Community Health Representative.
Should you need the COHI Program we encourage making an appointment, you may call or email the Community Health Representative to arrange an appointment that fits your schedule.